About Us
We are a friendly little team with a passion for helping people and helping our environment. We have a practitioner room with various modalities on offer. We also will do deliveries to Warkworth & Wellsford for a small fee by arrangement and can courier items to you also if required. Free delivery for Warkworth Maternity and Summerset & Heritage Retirement Villages.

Chris - Owner, Buyer & Decision Maker
Chris took over the store in 2016 and is qualified as a Bowen therapist having completed 500 hours of Anatomy and Physiology. She has also trained in Emmett Technique and Reiki. With a strong administration background and a passion for natural health and helping people. There have been many workshops and seminars attended over the last 30 years. Reducing waste is a passion, as well as supporting local business and community.
Stacey - Shop Manager & All Rounder
Stacey has worked in Pharmacy Retail previously and has been with us for the last eight years, so has a good all round knowledge of our products. Stacey is great with people, young and old alike and loves to help people on their journey to good health. If anything needs sorting, Stacey is our "man" Stacey loves to re-purpose items.

Val - Knowledge Guru Go To Person
Val has been with Pharmacy & Health Shops for many years and has an awesome knowledge both of natural products and pharmacy prescriptions. She is passionate about the environment and is very thorough in all things. If we don't know something, we always ask Val! Val is very good at making sure we re-use as much as we can with our packaging etc in store.